Making of a good leader

Today we are pausing to honor the late PASTOR HENRY TARSEYAH. The words written sometime ago but still radiant today

What does it take to be a good leader today. Are are some leaders hand pointed by people, but yet other people just rise up out of the ranks. While some leaders have be appointed by God to lead people.

To answer those questions we must look at what is a good leader. The Bible speaks of great leaders. One person who was chosen by God at a young age to became a king and a leader was King David. David was a God fearing person, he was a person after God’s own heart. God had a purpose for David before he even knew it, but because David had so much blood on his hands. God told him You are not to build a house for my Name, because you have shed much blood on the earth in my sight  that stopped what God wanted David to complete in his life. ! Chronicles 22:6-10.  Warning for leaders be careful of your action because it can limited what God wants you to do in your life.

A good leader is a leader who is slow to anger. They have the interest of others in their heart, not looking to see what they can gain from it. (Philippians 2:4, James 1:9)   A leader creates love for those whom he serve and govern. but most of all a good leader seek advice not only from people around them but also pray to God for a decision they have to make. They don’t act hastily to complete a task or a job before them. They also count the cost of things that could go wrong or right with a problem.

Last point about being a leader is some are appointed by men others are elected by group of people. Some been called by God to continue His good work through them. No matter how you got into leadership role make sure the blood is not on your hands. Make sure there is no hidden skeleton in the closet or else it will come back to haunt you.

To close it out a good leader is one who listen, obey the command of God for the purpose he is serving others. Are our leaders today listening from God almighty? I might say no they are not, they want to satisfy their own demonic spirit that brought them to power.  LEADERS be careful how you lead, be careful on how you treat others, most of all be wise on how you use your power in leadership position.

Want to think evangelist John Corum of givinH.O.P.E. Ministry for the prayers over my family and the ministry.

be bless everyone and have a wonderful day




Published by givinhopeministry

Through social media GivinHope Ministry will be ministering the word. Letting people know about true life in God