Out of love or tradition to God

Weekend edition

Today it’s all about breaking the traditional habits and serving God out of love and respect. Do you know, most people are in the same faith base organization because of the family grew up in it. Many follow the tradition of the family, but not what God want out of their lives, and they miss the blessing or truth in the long run.

Me being raised Baptist, was only a title on the faith I was in. Yes each faith base organization has it’s belief. Sometimes I think people put limits on themselves because of their faith base organization. One thing about serving God you can choose what faith base organization you what to be apart of. You shouldn’t let others decide for you. It’s your decision on how you want to serve God according to your faith. Serve God with all my heart, mind, and soul.

The key factor in serving God is from a personal relationship with him. The choice is yours where you like to worship. One thing when looking for a place to fellowship, make sure the word of God being preached and taught. Are they pointing you towards the life of Christ for salvation. Are they saying Christ is the only mean where by we can get to heaven.

That is the main point of the message is Christ death, burial, and resurrection is the key of salvation. No other source then Christ we can be saved by. Through Christ we can have the right relationship with God.

I do believe it’s a personal walk with God. He will line you up with a place of worship so you can worship him in spirit and in truth. We don’t understand it all but each has their own interpretation of the Bible, but the real truth is based on your personal walk with God.

In my case I was in a Baptist Church but I felt more moved to serve God on a different level. Looking at the word and understand the word of God opened my eyes to the truth and I was set free from a form of, to a relationship with God.

The point where I believe the word as truth and saw those things as they are. Yet the word of God is life changing, and there is still more to know and learn. To know the truth and not tell it is like knowing there is danger coming and keeping it to yourself. How are you to help people if we don’t share the truth about things.

Finally, I may have started out within a form of worshiping God. A service from the lip. The truth of it all is this when God really get a hold of you, and you get a hold of God for the right reason then your life will be changed forever. It not out of a form but out of an relationship we serve and honor God. His truth is revealed in us by his word that is written and the things he says to us directly. Serving God within the right mindset, you will notice a true difference in your heart, mind soul, and spirit. Go in peace live on God. Most of all keep the faith.

Published by givinhopeministry

Through social media GivinHope Ministry will be ministering the word. Letting people know about true life in God