Why do we need law and order? We need it because if not, everything would be chaotic. People, will be doing anything and everything they wanted to do.

what happened after Adam sin, people became lawless. They had no laws and was doing anything they wanted to do. It made God sick of seeing what his created work was doing. Yet there was one man devoted to God by the name Noah.

The first time we see God’s judgement was on Adam and Eve. When a person does a crime, they will receive their punishment. Men punishment for disobeying God was, the woman will know and understand child birth. The pain that comes along with it. The man was to go out and work in the fields. Hard work it wouldn’t be easy. Real work for both mem and women.

This display God’s character, within the man disobedience to God. God showed his mercy to the point he didn’t kill them, but they received their rightful punishment. This was part of Gods law and order. Rules was set but since you didn’t obey, time to pay up.

Second time we see God’s judgement upon the people was the flood. Peoples heart was cold towards God. They was doing anything and everything they wanted to do. God seeing what was going on, it was making him sick. Since Noah was a righteous man and he try to avoid evil, God was with him.

When God saw this he told Noah, get ready I have a job for you to do. Since the people are not with me, I will cause a flood to wipe out the entire world. I will spare you and your family. This action we see, was a wrath of God at that present time

God wrath showed up because of men wrong doing. Yet God watched over Noah and his family. God protected them from danger, and that danger was the flood. The Book of Revelation speaks about two different wrath of God. Not only that but his anger because of the condition of men.

The first type of wrath of God, that will be coming is the tribulation period. 7 years of Gods wrath and anger will be poured out on the earth. This will be the time most people said the rapture will take place. The quickening of the saints. The true believers in Christ will be caught up in the clouds to be with the Lord forever.

Since the Holy Spirit is in the believers, since the believers will be taken, therefore the earth will not have its covering of God upon it. Then Gods wrath of judgement will be upon the face of the earth. Gods wrath will be for 7 years. A period of great tribulation. The reason was because of men not obeying God and coming to him. Again the penalty for their wrong doing. During this time people will either die for God, and live eternity with him, or live to serve the antichrist, yet spend eternity in the lake of fire.

Not only Gods wrath and anger will be poured out, God will be giving people time to repent and turn to him. The day will come when there will be a time when no men will be able to repent. This will be known as the final wrath of God.

The final wrath of God, is when everybody fate is sealed. Either eternity with God, or in the lake of fire. For those who continue to do evil, or died in their sins, the final judgement is, they will be thrown into the lake of fire, being tormented for the rest of eternity. Look into the book of Revelation, chapters 19, 20, 21, 22, to see what fate wait for those who continue to do wicked and evil things.

Finally, since the beginning of time Gods wrath and anger was on the earth. At this present time his love, mercy, and grace is being showed to everyone. God sent Jesus Christ into the world to die for us all. He did this so our relationship to God could be restored. Everyone had the opportunity to invite Jesus into their lives. Sin has blinded the heart, eyes of people, and they can’t see all what God, has given to the world. One day God’s wrath and anger will sweep over the earth again. We don’t know the time, but you don’t want to left down here on earth, when God’s wrath of judgement happens. Accept what God has to offer now, before it’s to late to do so. Trust in Jesus believe on him and understand God’s power and plan for all mankind.

givinHope Evangelistic Ministry sharing the gospel that men can understand. Coming to God asking what must I do to be saved. Helping others to find that freedom that only Christ and God can give.

Published by givinhopeministry

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